Lezzetli Tadına Doyum Olmayan Yemek Tarifleri: Orange

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Orange etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

19 Eylül 2013 Perşembe

Orange and Poppy Seed Victoria Sponge

12 years Önce 0

Anyone would think this was a baking blog.I love baking, this is probably my favourite aspect of cooking. Cakes like this one are not at all Turkish but here I am, living in Turkey, and I find that English-style cakes go down a treat!here we have o...

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Chocolate Orange Loaf Cake

12 years Önce 0

Yes, it’s another cake recipe but this time more suitable for tea than dessert.The other day I was flipping through Nigella’s book ‘Kitchen’in quest of a simple uncomplicated cake recipe. I didn’t want a cream-laden extravaganza of a gateau, just a...

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